Sunday, 5 September 2010

Man in the mirror

今天認真的聽了一次 MJ 的 Man in the mirror, 特然感到生命不過如此. 還有很多比我更不幸的人, 衣食不足, 戰爭, 動亂, 種族岐視, 生病.

其實伸出雙手, 就可以幫到很多的人.

Want to make a change, for once in my life.

Saturday, 10 July 2010


整天下著濛濛的細雨 相比起前兩個月的天氣 總是愛恨分明的剛陽 大雨 強風
今天的北京散發著淡淡的溫柔 有點像春天的倫敦 但小了那份冷漠 多了一點生怯

如果倫敦是一個穿著帶臉紗 Channel 小黑帽 帶點寂寞的貴婦
那今天的北京就是穿著Kenzo 碎花裙 臉帶羞怯的小姑娘


Saturday, 17 April 2010

2012 Apocalypse

The Bible recorded by the year 2012, an Apocalypse will come to the world. The Jewish believed the rise of a Messiah in the year 2012, and the Mayan calendar was said to end in the same year. And so many people believed the world will end in that moment.

Reading Dan Brown's book - The Lost Symbol, has discussed about the historical facts above. The word Apocalypse was literally a Greek translation of "To Reveal", not the end of the world. To reveal some kind of knowledge that was hidden from man kind for centuries, and the knowledge, whether position or negative, would change the course of human history.

I personally believed that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) built by the CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research) holds the key to this mystery. The LHC is a device that designed to test the forming moment of the universe by colliding atom particles millions of time in the speed of light, it will unveil the knowledge about the birth of this universe, the black hold, Einstein's physic theory...etc. The time frame is coincidently matching the year of 2012.

Does it means something? Will that be the Apocalypse that the Bible and Mayan calendar is pointing to?

I do hope that it could be the Apocalypse will reveal the knowledge that help human evolve into a new level . That we no longer will need to harm the environment and to end the endless fight to diseases.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Time Out

My new company. A brand with California heritage and Czech Republic thinking.
Coming soon to China.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

減少碳排放, 由個人做起 - Save the earth

有感於對人類現有的生活方式覺得很浪費, 想請大家試著實行一些細微的生活調整, 將會有效感少對大自然的傷害.

多吃菜, 小吃肉

外出用餐時, 應點最少兩個菜類的食品, 最後才點肉類.

前幾天看到 Discovery 的節目, 裏面提到, 生物每生長一磅的肉需要消耗30磅的植物. 所以多吃菜可以咸低大量畜牧業的需求, 還對身體健康, 進而咸低生畜所需之碳排放.