Friday 21 December 2007

sunny winter

strange feeling surged when winter suddenly became sunny, not the usual groomy, cloudy and rainy sky. Atmosphere changed so as one`s heart. Church turn into temple and Buddha laughs at me, for one thing that I should follow my own path.

cigar burning, coffee getting cold. a strange christmas awaits.

Wednesday 19 December 2007

photo shoot

Thanks to my friend Sio who suffered a whole night of cold and empty stomach for shooting this photo series for me. I really do love it. Although we were suppose to shoot god father but instead we got something like Shenghai Tang...but it is still great anyway. Perhaps Asians are difficult to be god father. Also thanks to my lovely cousin who also suffered a sleepless and cold night.
Shenghai Tang - 2007, Macau

Tuesday 4 December 2007

Tokyo just arrive

1 st weekend in Tokyo:

wake up in hotel...wondering where am i

涉谷 - Aids campaign

銀座七丁目 evening

Le cafe Doutor @ Ginza

Super mini thin building @ Ginza

Alfred Dunhill @ Ginza - I like the dog!!!

Drinking time with friends @ Shibuya

Christmas lighting & Live classical music performance @ Ebisu

and guess what, I saw free hug in tokyo!!!

Monday 26 November 2007

met stacy

After almost 2 years of pure internet communication, finally I met Stacy in person. A talented new artist whose works are distinctively styled with the combination of surrealism and realism, often with a heavy-hearted message behind. Especially her paintings that I like very much.

It is interesting to put face onto imagination and it turns out to be a more interesting, real and better Stacy than I imagined.

May she finds whatever she looks for in life and the stars shine upon her path.

Saturday 24 November 2007


Strength is a card of courage, determination and inner might. You are in a position to deal with whatever comes your way. You have reached a position of influence and no longer need to force your beliefs upon others. You are aware of the temptations that exist, but your ability to resist them is strong. Be careful not to take advantage of your power or risk becoming abusive and destructive. Listen to your inner voice and trust your instincts.

Monday 19 November 2007

The show must go on

Life saturated, air stopped, water frozen, the world muted at this moment.

Slowing down and look around and be amazed, and its so beautiful hope that you can stay.

But keep holding on, stay strong, the show must go on...

Thursday 15 November 2007

All things beautiful


Recently there are some disturbances in my mind, disturbances which are both illusive and seductive. Forging logic to de-trail and pride to humble. Fantasy turned poison and eyes turned blind. Greed conquered one's soul and spirit struggles.
For that thing has no intention to cause harm but one has caused confusion to oneself, and that thing has turned all other things un-beautiful...

I guess I have learn how to make all things beautiful. Again.

Tuesday 6 November 2007

Between left and right

回家了, 一直很渴望這一天. 十年來只停留了十數個月的家, 終於回來了. 這裏有熟悉的人, 陌生的地方. 好像很熟悉的朋友, 陌生的對座. 熟悉的語言, 但不再熟悉的話題. 原來這個家已經不很熟悉, 陌生的家.
剛開始的友誼面臨分離, 誘感反咬著自己. 新的旅程將要開始, 無奈這個家已變成開始熟悉的家了. 想要離開不想離開. 不爽!

Thursday 1 November 2007

a Diana Walstad Aquarium

最近很有興趣想弄一個生態魚缸. 一種在魚缸內養了整個生態系統的小魚缸, 有很小的魚, 海草, 和田螺. 聽說水可以一年不換, 食物必要時可以長時間不餵. 挺有趣吧, 決定今天要去找一下.

ok just been to new Yaohan and saw this two tank:

So nice seeing prawns and little fish eating micro livings and real plants growing. i guess i will get one in japan...

Tuesday 30 October 2007

China Casual Wear Expo 2007

這幾天都在幫忙籌備這個中國休閒服裝博覧會, 雖然很累但其間也很 enjoy, 去看了幾場 fashion show 覺得一般般... 始終不是 top line fashion event, 不要期望太高.
在會場裏感覺到了很多的 brand 都在奮鬥, 中國的 brand 真是數不勝數, 其中很有幾個有潛質的我覺得要介紹一下. 它們是 ri&g 埃古, Jack Jones, Moda Vera, Cabean and 1873. 其中1873 是專門給 hip hop 街頭文化潮人所設計的牛仔褲, 本人覺得還不錯, 價錢不貴. 很有幸認識其創辦人 發仔, 當場幫我以超低價 order 了三條 :D 有興趣可以去他們 website 看一下.

最後看了張 Shao(唔識打...) 逹 的 fashion show, 有功力果然不同, 剪裁跟手工一流, 意念是西藏2007, 把冰川和沙漠, 文族顏色溶合一起, 不覺突眼之餘而有華麗感覺, 雖然設計太偏重東方剪裁, 有欠現代化 wearability... 但我覺得已經很不錯. AND 看到名模姜培林 underwear :p

My very helpful colleagues :

My models :

From International designer: Zhang Shao Da


Tibet 2007

Thursday 11 October 2007

The Hitler philosophy of gardening

The concept of gardening, the thought of trimming and killing plants in order for them to look pretty according to our sense of beauty is somehow to me, at one moment, similar to the theory what Hitler has suggested. The notion of destroying the un-pretty and inappropriate seems strikingly similar to the notion Hitler has killed millions of Jewish. While obviously we do not treat plants as life whom have feelings, but then who knows what Hitler was thinking and his value of human life.

* Been digging through my old websites today and found this article written 5 years ago by myself, and it still seems interesting today to debate this topic with you guys.

Friday 7 September 2007

The Chicago Theatre

One of the best musical I have seen. With humour, excitment, drama, exotic dance and classy jazz music all combined. One will never feel bored inside.

Carnival Festival 2007

Finally, I finished the long awaited, evil, sinister, time consuming, unnecessary, boring, complicated dissertation at this moment. Such a reliefe, and Iam once again a free man :)

Thought I'll update some recent news. Been to the Carnival Festival in Nottinghill Gate a week ago, it was great fun seeing all the carribean people and dancing enjoying themsevle on the street. I feel like going to Cuba now, my two favorite things - salsa and cigars are there waiting for me.

My frds enjoying themselves, see he has learn some moves from the man above :

Saturday 25 August 2007


前天突然覺得很無聊, 還沒有適應英國的生活, 出倫敦閒逛了一天. 去了 National Gallery Museum 看到很多名畫, 印像最深刻是一幅 The judgement of Lady xxxx (忙了名字 :p) 油畫, 畫中女子雙眼被蒙上等待死刑的到來, 是無數歷史洪流中的儀生品之一. 想到戰爭的背後意圖, 伊拉克的侵略, 多少人為戰爭而死. 想起在 Izzue 買的 t-shirt 一句 slogan:

Worse peace is better than best war.



最後到了 The Royal Academy of Arts:

其實還帶了相機裝上黑白菲林拍了很多照片, 但怎知...沖出來是空白一片....非常失望. 應該是菲林沒裝好吧. 下次要多加小心...心血都白廢了.

很期待交論文後的歐州之旅, 那時之前要練好基本的攝影技巧才行.