Tuesday, 30 October 2007

China Casual Wear Expo 2007

這幾天都在幫忙籌備這個中國休閒服裝博覧會, 雖然很累但其間也很 enjoy, 去看了幾場 fashion show 覺得一般般... 始終不是 top line fashion event, 不要期望太高.
在會場裏感覺到了很多的 brand 都在奮鬥, 中國的 brand 真是數不勝數, 其中很有幾個有潛質的我覺得要介紹一下. 它們是 ri&g 埃古, Jack Jones, Moda Vera, Cabean and 1873. 其中1873 是專門給 hip hop 街頭文化潮人所設計的牛仔褲, 本人覺得還不錯, 價錢不貴. 很有幸認識其創辦人 發仔, 當場幫我以超低價 order 了三條 :D 有興趣可以去他們 website 看一下. www.1873crew.com

最後看了張 Shao(唔識打...) 逹 的 fashion show, 有功力果然不同, 剪裁跟手工一流, 意念是西藏2007, 把冰川和沙漠, 文族顏色溶合一起, 不覺突眼之餘而有華麗感覺, 雖然設計太偏重東方剪裁, 有欠現代化 wearability... 但我覺得已經很不錯. AND 看到名模姜培林...in underwear :p

My very helpful colleagues :

My models :

From International designer: Zhang Shao Da


Tibet 2007

Thursday, 11 October 2007

The Hitler philosophy of gardening

The concept of gardening, the thought of trimming and killing plants in order for them to look pretty according to our sense of beauty is somehow to me, at one moment, similar to the theory what Hitler has suggested. The notion of destroying the un-pretty and inappropriate seems strikingly similar to the notion Hitler has killed millions of Jewish. While obviously we do not treat plants as life whom have feelings, but then who knows what Hitler was thinking and his value of human life.

* Been digging through my old websites today and found this article written 5 years ago by myself, and it still seems interesting today to debate this topic with you guys.