Saturday, 25 August 2007


前天突然覺得很無聊, 還沒有適應英國的生活, 出倫敦閒逛了一天. 去了 National Gallery Museum 看到很多名畫, 印像最深刻是一幅 The judgement of Lady xxxx (忙了名字 :p) 油畫, 畫中女子雙眼被蒙上等待死刑的到來, 是無數歷史洪流中的儀生品之一. 想到戰爭的背後意圖, 伊拉克的侵略, 多少人為戰爭而死. 想起在 Izzue 買的 t-shirt 一句 slogan:

Worse peace is better than best war.



最後到了 The Royal Academy of Arts:

其實還帶了相機裝上黑白菲林拍了很多照片, 但怎知...沖出來是空白一片....非常失望. 應該是菲林沒裝好吧. 下次要多加小心...心血都白廢了.

很期待交論文後的歐州之旅, 那時之前要練好基本的攝影技巧才行.

Monday, 20 August 2007

A crazy summer

Just been to a friend's blog and thought i'd steal her idea and do a little summary of this summer as well, for some reason I hv enjoyed a lot in this month more than any previous summer holidays ever before. Perhaps my friends are all back in Macau, HK and China and it is the friendship that really makes it enjoyable.

Glad to know some new friends this year and mr antonio is just looking so much like the macauness version of Keanu Reeves.

And some old friends which we had so much memories to share.

And to all my families and friends in UK and Macau:

Thursday, 16 August 2007

Back in England

下著雨的凌晨 6 點, 踏出機場呼吸一口英國的空氣. 街道與途人還是一樣憂悶, 亞洲的 crazyness 看來與這裏完全沒有關係. 經過兩個月的澳門生活, 眼前又開始覺得陌生.

眼睛的雨天空的雨在下, 心之湖開始動蕩, 一片迷霧分不清方向. 築起的提霸再露缺口, 工人們無奈的看著.

解決問題的力量不斷減弱. help!

Monday, 13 August 2007

Club Monaco

最近發現了一個 fashion label - Club Monaco. 單名字已值得讚賞, 一進店就被裏面的設計吸引住. 那淺淺的顏色, 簡約的設計和不算高的價錢造就了很大吸引力. research 一下原來是美國的牌子, 難怪跟 calvin klein 有點像.

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

secret glamorous @ fashion club, macao

Havent been updating since I am back in Macau. Last week's party was a success and thanks to everyone who contributed to make this event a fun and enjoyable event!